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A Minnesota Hermitage Retreat Center | 763-444-6408

Main Building Hermitage Rooms

The three main building hermitage retreat rooms were created for those who desire to be on retreat in a simple environment, but for a variety of reasons are unable to be in the outdoor hermitages in the woods.

They are located in the lower level of the main house, Our Lady of Pacem, and accessible through the main entrance. An elevator is available for anyone who is unable to use steps.

The hermitage rooms are clustered in a retreat wing and reflect the simple environment of the outdoor hermitages as closely as possible. They have electricity. The three rooms share a bathroom with a shower and are supplied with soap, shampoo, and towels. A small galley has a refrigerator to accommodate medications or special dietary needs. A telephone is located in an outer hallway if a need arises. There are living quarters and work areas above the hermitages so at times the hermit may experience some house sounds.

When guest-hermits are on retreat in the main building hermitage rooms, they are asked to make their retreat as close to the philosophy of being a hermit as possible. That means to embrace the freedom from distractions in their ordinary days—and keep the silence and solitude offered by the simple and prayerful environment of the hermitage.