The Legacy Fund
Pacem in Terris depends humbly on the heartfelt generosity of supporters like you who understand the need to provide a place of quiet to help foster spiritual health and healing. Thanks to God and the support of many generous contributors, Pacem in Terris is blessed to be debt-free at this time. In order to ensure the presence of Pacem for future generations, we are establishing a Legacy Fund with an ultimate goal of seven million dollars.
The purpose of the Legacy Fund is two-fold: first to create an endowment fund that will assist in meeting the growing costs of providing the hermitage experience, and second to establish a development fund to meet expenses for facility improvements, preservation of the natural surroundings, staff growth, and the building of additional hermitages as the need arises.

The Legacy Endowment Fund
More than a third of the hermit guests at Pacem in Terris are college-aged students, missionaries, seminarians and those preparing for a variety of ministries. In addition, another third serve in ministerial and caregiver roles. These guests and others with limited resources often need financial assistance to adequately cover the cost of a recommended two-night stay in the hermitage. The interest money generated by the endowment fund would ensure that anyone who felt called to a hermitage retreat at Pacem—both now and in the future—would be welcomed, without regard for their ability to pay the full amount.

The Legacy Development Fund
Help us Preserve The Vision and Continue The Mission
The future of Pacem in Terris depends on the success of the Legacy Fund Campaign. In order to reach these objectives, we need the help of our friends and former hermits. Prayerfully consider supporting this effort through prayer, a charitable donation, or through a bequest to Pacem through your estate or will.
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